www.Anabolic.com Jayden Jaymes Hosts This Ain't, Not Another XXX-Mas Porno Party Thursday, December 10 Clear In Studio City, CA
From Anabolic:
Come join the Anabolic team on Thursday, December 10th, 2009 in Studio City at Clear for the "This Ain't, Not Another XXX-Mas Porno Party."
They will have boxes for toys and canned food or anything else you would like to donate. These will be donated anonymously
to charities around town. A toy or canned food is the price of admission!
Jayden Jaymes, DJ Sativa and Ivan are putting the party together, and anyone interested in co-sponsoring or attending please
let them know at iamivandotcom@gmail.com or jesse@anabolic.com.
Updates will be coming soon on www.ThisAintNotAnotherXXXmasPORNOparty.com.
Source: An Anabolic Press Release