www.latalkradio.com Unvanilla On LA Talk Radio Welcomes XXX Porn Star Mary Carey & Girls And Corpses Deaditor-In-Chief Robert Rhine Tuesday, February 23 From 7pm to 8pm PST (4pm to 5pm EST)
From Harley Fire:
'UNVANILLA with Harley Fire and Baadmaster,' LA Talk Radio's newest hit show, continues it's A List of Adult Talent with
a special appearances by Adult Superstar Mary Carey (www.MaryCareyXXX.com)
and Robert Rhine.
Has Girls and Corpses Magazine finally gone too far? Mary Carey meets Hitler's corpse... at last
Girls and Corpses Deaditor-In-Chief Robert "Corpsy Rhine explains, "For our Spring issue of Girls and Corpses, the idea of
'Springtime for Hitler' sprang to mind. Hitler is one of the most endearing corpses and I thought he would make great fodder
for our comedy cover. Pictured with Adolf is none other than the infamous Mary Carey; XXX porn star, one time presidential
candidate and Celebrity Rehab survivor. Mary seemed like the perfect fraulein to frolic with the Fuhrer's corpse. Naturally,
she is dressed as a sexy German bar maid, raising her beer stein in a toast to her sobriety. There is a great photo spread
in the issue with several phunny photos of Adolf and Mary Carey and even a centerfold to hang on your wall at the synagogue.
The Fuhrer even get frisky in some of the pics and Mary Carey had a blast at the shoot. Click here for a preview photo: http://girlsandcorpses.com/print10/print10_mary.html By the way, Hitler's uniform is a real WW2 German uniform and an exact replica of Hitler's uniform. But it wasn't Hitler's
'actual' uniform which has a few burn marks.You can preview the Springtime For Hitler issue of Girls and Corpses here: http://girlsandcorpses.com/
Several issues of Girls and Corpses have featured starlets from the adult world, such as: Belladonna, Teagan Presley, Hollie
Stevens, Charlotte Stokely, Faye Reagan, Kimberly Kane and others.
You are cordially invited to the red carpet premiere party for the Springtime For Hitler Issue with host Mary Carey on Saturday
April 24th from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. at the CIA at 11334 Burbank Blvd North Hollywood CA 91601
But wait there's more Adult insider, Host and reporter, Tony Batman will be calling in to give us an update of his and Schevell's
Strip Club Tour. Let's hear what happened this week. www.tonybatman.com
Harley and Baadmaster will be asking Sunny all the question you want to hear. Host Harley Fire has also relaunched www.harleyfirelive.com
where you can see uncensored videos of many adult stars.
The 'UNVANILLA' show covers all aspects of 'wine, women and song,' and a lot more -- basically anything that is 'not vanilla.'
Porn stars, inked celebrities, alternative film makers, cheating athletes, sword swallower's, bisexual circus clowns, dominatrixes,
nymphomaniac contortionists, madams, pimps and hos will all be guests on this uncensored, edgy, envelope-pushing show hosted
by Harley Fire and Baadmaster.
Harley and Baadmaster will also be giving away a free Unvanilla T-Shirt to a lucky caller, courtesy of Unvanilla.com.
Fans can call 818 602-4929 to talk to the show's guests.
So join the Hot Action this Tuesday, 7-8 PST, on LATALKRADIO.COM Source: An Unvanilla Press Release