www.BustyJamie.com Jamie Lynn Hosts 'High Times' Party Wednesday, July 12 At 7pm Headquarters Gentlemen's Club In NYC, NY
Jamie Lynn, Penthouse 2006 Pet of the Year, hosts 'High Times' August issue release party this Wednesday, July 12, starting at 7pm.
The party will be at Headquarters Gentlemen's Club in New York City.
Lynn, who apparently smokes a lot of pot, will be 'High Times' first 'Ganja Goddess'. Also attending will be Penthouse Pets
Olivia Kent, Krista Ayn and Melissa Jacobs. Cocktails and munchies will be served from 7pm to 9pm
The guy in charge of RSVP's will probably be too stoned to remember to put you on the list, but he can be emailed, blindly,
at oconnorpr@aol.com.