www.MissPoleChampUSA.com 2012 Miss Pole Champ USA January To March, 2012 Across The Country
From PR 101:
Pole Champ Nakita Kash Teams Up with Gentlemen's Club TV and Private Dancer Magazine for the Live Broadcast of the 2012 Miss
Pole Champ USA Competition - One of a Kind Pole Dancing Competition to be Streaming Live Via the Internet
World renowned pole dancing champion and contestant on NBC's Got Talent, Nakita Kash has teamed up with Gentlemen's Club
TV and Private Dancer magazine to bring her Miss Pole Champ USA competition to the masses. After a highly successful inaugural
run, the 2012 version of the Miss Pole Champ USA competition will be broadcasting Live! Fans of pole dancing will now be able
witness live, via their computer, the best pole dancers from across the country compete for this coveted title.
Beginning in January, contestants around the U.S. Will compete in varied regions, leading up to the National competition
to be held at the Pink Pony in Tampa, Florida on Saturday, March 10, 2012.
"I was so proud to bring the Miss Pole Champ USA competitions to ten venues across the country in 2011 and as a pole dancer
myself, I really loved that all the events were so successful and created some new stars on the feature dance circuit!" said
Miss Kash. "My goal with these competitions is not only to put pole dancing Back on the strip club stage, but to also give
opportunity to stage performers who may not have any idea how to get started on a feature career."
"I really wanted to find that 'diamond in the rough'... which I did with the Amazing 2011 Miss Pole Champ USA - Vayda Kiss!"
By partnering with Gentlemen's Club TV to add the element of a live broadcast, this year’s competition will bring
more exposure to the art of pole dancing and its future stage stars.
"That exposure is priceless to an entertainer getting her start so our competition should be fierce and I Can'T Wait to see
it all unfold!" exclaims Nakita
"We are truly excited to work with Nakita Kash and Miss Pole Champ USA. Her level of professionalism and quality in her shows
are awesome," adds Gentlemen's Club TV’s Broadcast Producer, David. "We will have a dynamite broadcast, technically
pulling out all the stops for this event, including our live internet satellite broadcasting dish, a 36 Ft. RV production
vehicle with four HD Sony cameras, and Tricaster HD Switcher. This system allows us to stream live from anywhere in the world
with broadcast quality. We have quite an exciting show planned for this broadcast. I am confident fans and sponsors will be
The schedule of contests are as follows: Northeast Regional at Xpertease in Flushing, NY on January 10; Midwest Regional
at PT's Showclub in Indianapolis, in on January 12; North Regional at the Oval Office in Green Bay, WI on January 25: South
Regional at Emperors in West Palm Beach, FL on January 28; Southwest Regional at Tens Showclub in Tucson, AZ on February 7;
West Regional at Babes Cabaret in Las Vegas, NV on February 9; Northwest Regional at Club SinRock in Renton, WA on February
12; East Regional at Christine's Cabaret in Philadelphia, PA on February 17; Southeast Regional at the Trophy Club in Greenville,
SC on February 23; and the National Finals at the Pink Pony in Tampa, FL on March 10.
Every one of these events will be streaming live on MissPoleChampUSA.com, GentlemensClubTV.com, and PrivateDancerTV.com on
a pay-per-view basis.
Advertising and sponsorship opportunities are available now for those interested in being a part of these unique events.
Interested parties should direct their inquiries to: David at (818) 974-4000 or (818) 561-6798 and david@gentlemensclubtv.com;
or Andy at (310) 295-0031 and andye@privatedancermag.com.
For additional information, please visit www.MissPoleChampUSA.com or follow Nakita on Twitter @polechamp.
Source: A PR 101 Press Release