www.samanthasterlyng.com Samantha Sterlyng Has Feature Costumes For Sale
From Samantha Sterlyng:
Samantha Sterlyng here....
With my Nursing school taking priority in my life, I have decided to sell my feature dance costumes. Any girls that are interested
in adding some new exciting acts to your show or if you're new to the game..its your lucky day!
I have 10 costumes. The approximate measurements for the costumes are 34C/23/34...but some are flexible in size due to outfit.
Anyone who wants more information please email me at sterlyng@prodigy.net and I will send over a complete list and anything else that I can help you with. I also have TONS of new shoes sizes 7 -
7 1/2 and some 8's, as well as 2 heavy duty trunks - 1 has a lock built-in and the other uses a Master Lock. I have Props,
Paint, etc....ALL MUST GO!!!!
Examples of costumes:
Genie- authentic pieces from Egypt
Matrix- shiny leather cape, corset, gloves, chocker, etc.
Cowboy- full length leather duster, leather chaps, leather hat, sexy cowboy boots
Wedding- handmade 3 piece wedding dress, veil, studded gloves, veil, etc.
Thanks ,
Samantha Sterlyng sterlyng@prodigy.net Source: A Samantha Sterlyng Press Release