www.clubsummerhaze.com Summer Haze Features, Throws 'Fallen Stars Of X' Party In Detroit March 29 To April 1 The Coliseum In Detroit, MI
From PR Nikki:
WOW! Summer Haze (www.clubsummerhaze.com)
and wrestling fans here is an event you cannot miss. On Thursday, March 29th to Saturday March 31st, Summer Haze returns
to the Coliseum in Detroit Michigan, appearing as the club's Feature Entertainer. Summer will also be throwing a Big Bash
celebrating her new career in the World of Pro Wrestling. The Wrestlemania party is being thrown to honor and thank all of
those who have helped her achieve her goal of entering the Sports Entertainment industry. We are looking forward to seeing
special guests of honor including TNA Wrestling stars Phi Delta Slam, along with Haze's trainers and owners of Coastal Championship
Wrestling Big Tilly, Bruno Sassi and Dan Ackerman. Other special guest stars and celebrities are scheduled to be on hand,
check back for updates! Fans be sure to stop by and enjoy the Battle Royal, it is going to be a wild time! This is a weekend
you do not want to miss out on.
The festivities begin on Thursday with a hot party. Fans can also look forward to a very special ceremony on Friday, March
30th, 2007, 11:00pm EST. presented by The New Porn Order and Club Summer Haze Productions. The ceremony will be the second of many very touching inductions to the Fallen Stars Of
X. In this induction we will be honoring two more well loved members of the adult industry who have passed. (www.fallenstarsofx.com). You can catch all of this and much more at the Coliseum in Detroit, Michigan.
'We would like to thank the owners of The Coliseum Johnny, Adam, and Ziad and their staff for making this possible', says
Summer Haze. 'The club will have two giant 24 x 36 memorials at the front of the club to memorialize our Fallen Stars of
X inductees. The club and owners have always supported the industry and have been amazing to me'. She concludes 'We have
a very special surprise for everyone as a wrestling ICON has asked to have the honor of inducting one of the stars. I was
very pleased and touched when he asked to be involved. We look forward to this event and would like to thank everyone involved!'
For more information on this event or on bookings for Summer Haze please contact pr@prnikki.com.
Source: A PR Nikki Press Release