Gene Ross’ Coverage of AEE
Gene has done a service to the industry at in his coverage of the AVN Expo this year. He’s copied coverage from several Las Vegas sources and LA blogs to provide more information than even AVN - the company with the license on the AEE franchise - has provided fans and industry.
It’s just astonishing how Gene manages to lift whole stories and re-publish them without a single link-back or URL to his sources.
Is this the new adult web? Ripping off content, text, and video from fellow websites, while at the same time complaining about how the industry suffers from a loss of revenue through copyright infringement? Bravo
Maybe Gene’s just a step ahead of the rest of us - AEBN included. It’s guaranteed that he’ll be dead before the lawyers bother to knock on his door - except the ambulance chasers who prominently advertise on his site.
RIP Gene Ross.
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